matthew stafford
Work Less. Earn More. Enjoy Life.
Join 175,000+ getting mindf*cked every Saturday morning while reading about the mind, the internet, and the future.
Join The New 1%
Curiosity exploration, 4-hour workdays, & digital real estate.
Optimized Ecommerce by Matthew Stafford
Find meaning, reinvent yourself, and create your ideal future. Now available on Amazon in digital, physical, or audiobook format.
Elevate Your Business
Expert tips on maximizing conversions, optimizing your store, and enhancing user experience.
One-Person Business Foundations – Free
Learn the basics of branding, persuasion, writing, and marketing in a free primer course for...
7 Days To Genius Ideas – FREE
10X your creative output in 7 days with a 10 minute thought exercise. Become an...
The 2 Hour Writer – Paid
Implement Our 2 Hour Content Ecosystem To Learn High Impact Digital Writing, Boost Your Online Authority...
Letting Go
Letting Go These two simple words have profound meaning, reaching into every corner of our...
About Me
Who Is Matthew Stafford ?
Just a human obsessed with humans.
Hey, I’m Matthew
We know what works to scale ecommerce brands. In the last 12 months, we have analyzed data from over a quarter of a billion dollars of ecommerce sales from more than 25 Amplify Partners!
For those wondering, I am not accepting calls, clients, or “chats to pick my brain” at the moment. If you’d like to learn from me, grab one of my courses above.
Work Less. Earn More. Enjoy Life.
I dive deep into human potential, lifestyle design, and one-person businesses to give you a unique, digestible way of improving your life.
Gain A New Perspective On Life & Business
Join 175,000+ getting mindf*cked every Saturday morning while reading about the mind, the internet, and the future.